Sunday, 28 July 2013

(Not) Coping With the Heat

I am currently melting. This is a state in which I have been trapped for the past few weeks, as the UK is gripped with a crazy heatwave which means that we are actually finally having a summer. Now don’t get me wrong, I love hot summers. I love the ability to wear summer clothes every day and actually venture outside without an umbrella constantly on standby. But at the moment it is so hot that my lovely summer clothes are sticky with sweat (mmm sexy), and I am really reluctant to move from my shady spot under the oak tree in my garden.
Luckily I have yet to overheat and pass out, and this is probably due to my complaints. Awful as sweat is, it is evaporating water which carries heat away from my body (not that I am going to give up the antiperspirant any time soon, don’t worry). Loose clothing allows air to get close to the skin and carry the water vapour away, so I have been wearing a lot of floaty skirts recently!   I also have a lovely tan coming on, which is protecting my skin cells from the damaging effects of sunlight (wear suncream too though!!).
I like wearing loose skirts in hot weather to help keep cool
Relaxing outside with a good book is one of my favourite things to do when its hot
So we have established that I am actually coping fine with the heat, I just love to complain. After all, come winter I will be grateful for all the sunny memories and my dose of vitamin D. However, I always look at my pets in weather like this and feel really sorry for them. How do they cope with the heat with all their feathers and fur?
My rabbit Sirius was obviously not designed for hot weather. His thick black fur and lopped ears really hindered any heat loss and he could often be found stretched out to expose any thinner patches of fur. He especially liked lying on cool surfaces and a tile soaked in water really relieved his discomfort.
My chickens on the other hand, do not seem bothered by the heat. They continue to wander round the garden, foraging for insects and  (in fact, its when it snows that you have to force them outside to eat. They hate snow). Their bare feet give them a good surface to cool down from, they can stay in the shade, have a good dust bath, and as long as there is a source of water for them they are fine.  In fact, they probably prefer the hot weather because it means that there will be more insects around for them to eat and they can forage for longer as it gets dark later. Also, it means we eat dinner outside and feed them scraps from the table, making them into very spoilt chickens!
My cockerel Cyrus is as proud as ever in the sunshine
My last pet doesn't even notice the changes in weather. Monty is content in his tank of water away from direct sunlight, and as long as there is a regular supply of worms he floats around happily, checking out everyone who wanders past him.
My axolotl Monty doesn't really notice the change in temperature
So in actual fact, all this hot weather is suiting me and my pets just fine. If you are out enjoying the sun remember to wear suncream and drink plenty of water. And embrace the sweat, its just trying to help you out.

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